Monday, February 18, 2013

A few weeks behind

I have not met my goal of blogging once a week :(. The last two weeks have gotten away from me! Here are some pictures of what I did this weekend.... The Polar Plunge and it was cold!

And my lovely roses on Valentine's Day. I also got chocolate covered strawberries from the Candy Factory :)

I ran into the wiener mobile twice in one week in Columbia! I had to take a picture of it this time. The Oscar mayer mobile must think that Columbia is a cool place to be! I saw it last Wednesday on I -70 and today on College.

Advice for today... make todo lists and stick to them :). I feel so productive today crossing a lot off of my todo list. :) Happy Monday and President's Day!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

My fear

I'm of mice and my oh so loving boyfriend sent me this picture on Friday.

He happens to work at a place I see one of my clients and I have seen mice on three different occasions while I've been out there. He tells me horror stories of mice, like how one jumped out of a hole in the wall and ran down the hallway into a room. I know I'm a little dramatic but these pesky little creatures scare the daylight out of me.