Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Vacation in Oklahoma

My Nannie spoiled me while I was in Oklahoma and took me shopping. Here are some of my awesome finds. I can't decide what I love the most. My new cute sandals to replace a pair that broke while in Oklahoma, my cute new black flats, my blazer or the polka dot blouse. I also got an iron! Can you believe I have not had one for the last two years?! I always throw my clothes in the dryer if they are wrinkled but after my Nannie ironed one of my skirts and it looked so nice, I'm thinking I will have to start ironing everything.

We had a fun time in Oklahoma (I feel like all I did while down there was eat eat eat!) But we really were running around shopping, eating, and visiting all of our family. Both my parents and their parents live in the same town, so it feels like we spend the majority of our time in the car driving from one side to the next. Brighton enjoyed te car ride home in her new carseat while watching Mickey Mouse on the iPad!

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