Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 New Years Goals

I have been compiling my list of goals for 2014 and wanted to share my goals for the new year. Some are old from last year and some are new. I hope to make 60% (yes I know that is a low percentage but I wanted to be realistic) of my goals new habits that will not be goals in 2015. Here is my list:

1. Read the bible. I want to make it a habit to read my daily devotions each work day. I have an app on my phone and want to make this a habit to do each morning before I get out of bed. 

2. Go to Church more. Derek and I have decided to split and go half of the time to Faith Family in Fayette and then go First Baptist here in town (our wedding church). We failed the first Sunday of 2014, but not because of us, it was the weather. 

3. Blog more. I am hoping to make blogging a habit. With this continue I want to take more pictures. 

4. Save, Save, Save. Derek and I have big plans to save in 2014. He is on the same page with me and will be saving :)

5. Recycle. When people ask me if we recycle I usually say "we are bad people and don't",  but know I can say "yes!". I have already started this! 

6. Write more handwritten notes. 

7. Work out 4 days a week. I hope to lose weight and keep it off.

8. Eat healthy. I only want to eat out 2 times a month for work lunches and 4 times a month for Derek and I. I want to cut down on sweets and carbs and eat more fruits and vegetables. 

8. Complete our house projects. Currently I want to re-stain the kitchen table, re-paint a dresser, and re-upholster the kitchen chairs. Derek wants to build a shed. I have big plans for this shed :)

9. Garden.

10. Stop complaining and be more positive. I want to say 2 positives for every negative I say. 

11. Organize the house even more. Thinking about what the year has in store and that Derek will be here in 9 months, I need to start figuring out how to make room for his things. Primarily his clothes and DVDs. This will be a task to figure out how to share the closet and dresser. 

 Overall I want to do things to make me a better person and continue to be happy.

Happy New Year! 

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