Saturday, January 18, 2014

5 on Friday (on Saturday)

1. Bacon Bowls: I ordered these for Derek for his birthday and they finally came. We made these delicious bacon bowls Wednesday night. They were so good!

2. Thursday my love brought me flowers to work and took me on a date to Murry's. These will be somewhat like our wedding flowers. We both decided we needed more roses definitely in my bouquet.

3. A coworker recommended getting a humidifier to help with my cough. I think it is working pretty well. I didn't cough much last night and I didn't have a sore throat last night.

4. Derek made me a deal to stay off Facebook for ONE week. I have almost succeeded. Tomorrow will be the end of the week. I'm finding that I don't miss it that much. If I go all week without Derek will take me ice skating in Jeff City.

5. It is a three day weekend! Woohoo!!! I hope to get a lot down around the house and for our wedding. 

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