Saturday, November 30, 2013

10 Months Left...

I have 10 months left by myself in my house... As some of you know when Derek moved home in September, it was a HUGE transition for me. I don't do well with change and hated that our little life together had to change. We had gotten into routines and everything changed when he moved home. I know why he did (to save money) and completely understand. I was upset for a while about the change, but now I am trying to soak up all my alone time as it will be the last time I will live by myself. Because of that I am trying to enjoy every bit of it and have found so many things I love. I plan to take full advantage of the next 10 months before our big day. Here are some things I have grown to love over the past few months:

1. Parking in the middle of the garage
2. Not shaving my legs for days :)
3. Sleeping in the middle of the bed
4. Keeping the house as cool as I want it
5. Having full control over the DVR and being able to record any and all crap TV shows I want
6. Watching whatever I want on TV while I go to sleep
7. Not having to watch sporting events at all :) I am NOT a sports fan and love that I don't have to hear every football game or basketball game.
8. Organizing and re-organizing each and every room/drawer in my house.
9. Having the walk-in closet all to myself. I have already wondered what we are going to do when Derek moves in. I have clothes in my room and the spare bedroom. Is it bad to make him use the spare room closet?
10. BBF nights and slumber parties. *These will not be given up after we are married, but I will probably have to check with the hubs before I spend a night away from him
11. Being able to wake up early and watch GMA in bed with coffee.

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